
Photo of the day… Smile!

Another One Bites the [Chalk] Dust

August 19, 2012: Bayshore Chalk Art Festival

What I learned today is that people do some amazing things with chalk on sidewalks.  What I also learned is that if you are an outdoor chalk artist you have to have a high level of inner peace.  Your hard work can be erased in an instant.  I took these pictures minutes before a storm blew in and washed away all evidence they were ever there.  I’d recommend putting the Bayshore Town Center Chalk Art Festival on your summer bucket list for next summer.  Here are a few more pictures I took today of the amazing art created with chalk, blacktop, and a lot of hard work, talent, and determination.

The Best in the Show

Most Likely to Hang in a Museum

Summer is nearing to a close for me and I’ve only made a small dent in my summer bucket list.  In fact, I think this could be one of the last items I cross off my list before September 1.

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